安装操作系统 Error 0x80300001 Fix 错误解决

超微的X10平台服务器 安装Windows2008R2

启动安装 一切正常
需要硬件驱动 加载3.4G的超微服务器ISO驱动盘
安装驱动 正常了 硬盘可以列出4个512G的SSD硬盘
然后不能继续 提示无法将Windows安装至指定区域 错误 0x80300001

起初以为这个问题是驱动有问题 提示不能安装到指定区域 而不是安装的ISO无效
折腾 各种折腾 然后SB竟然去百度了一下 好了那结果
什么硬盘有问题啦 什么分区表有问题了 巴拉巴拉一堆 没一个说到点子上的
好了google一下 搞笑的来了

竟然是驱动盘拿出来 重新插入系统盘
刷新下 就好了

板载的Raid卡 做的Raid1 竟然怀疑驱动有问题…

I wasted several hours to figure out that when you get this error, you need to remove the driver CD and put back the windows install DVD. Then re-select your partition. This error message is completely stupid and useless.

Follow the followinf steps:

1. Insert the install DVD
2. Boot into the setup process
3. Get to the point where you need to select a partition and click Load Driver
4. Insert driver DVD
5. Locate the storage driver, in my case the AMD AHCI Compatible RAID Controller
6. Notice the message “Windows cannot be installed on this disk. (Show details)” at the bottom
7. Insert the install DVD back into the drive
8. Expand the advanced drive options
9. Create a New partition consuming some amount of space, in my case all of it
10. Windows says it had to do some funky stuff, click OK
11. Notice that there is a 200MB system partition and a new primary partition

Select the new primary partition and click Next

在去百度看看结果 都是搜索引擎 差距怎么那么大……


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